

As a seasoned nonprofit leader and strategic advisor, I offer tailored consulting services to help organizations and individuals thrive in the dynamic world of social impact.


Leadership Coaching

Empower your journey as a leader with personalized coaching that draws on my experience as an Executive Director and educator. I'll help you develop your authentic leadership style while navigating complex organizational challenges. Together, we'll focus on fostering inclusive and equitable team environments, balancing strategic vision with day-to-day operations, and enhancing your decision-making and problem-solving skills. My coaching aims to unlock your full potential as a compassionate and effective leader.


Elevate your fundraising efforts with strategies honed through years of nonprofit experience. My comprehensive support includes campaign development, where we'll craft compelling narratives and effective strategies to engage donors. For new fundraisers, I offer personalized coaching to build confidence and skills in donor engagement. I'll guide you in selecting and optimizing the right donation platforms, developing sustainable annual giving strategies, and integrating marketing with fundraising efforts. By leveraging my background in both fields, we'll create a robust fundraising approach tailored to your organization's unique needs.